Betty Stephens


Faculty Member Betty Stephens Covington Classical Academy


  • Eastern Kentucky University – M.A. in Mathematics Education, B.S. in Mathematics, Rank I graduate certification in Mathematics Education and Administration
  • Cumberland College – Physics certification

Teaching Philosophy

Important skills I want to teach my students

I want my students to understand and be able to apply skills and concepts they learned in their math classes.

Teaching methods to reach these goals

I present mathematical concepts using lecture, examples, questions, both in class and out of class assignments.

I encourage students to ask questions and develop the attitude that they can get an understanding of both simple and complex mathematical concepts.

My Favorite Projects

Most projects are done within the classroom. Some projects we have done in the past include:

  • Going to the grocery store to check prices and find unit prices
  • Developed a double-napped cone, to demonstrate the conic sections.
  • Used manipulatives to reinforce concepts

What I like best about teaching

I love working with young people. It is so rewarding to see the student’s eyes light up when they understand the concept or when they succeed in solving a problem that has taken them a longer period of time to complete.

It is also so satisfying to see former students who tell me that things I taught them have helped them along their way!