Math Curriculum

Mathematics Overview

The Math Curriculum will begin with Algebra I being taught in the 8th Grade and progress through Geometry, Algebra II, Pre-Calculus, and Calculus throughout the high school years.

The skills learned in each course will be carried through to the next course with new skills being added each year.

8th Grade

Algebra I

This core mathematics course teaches the fundamentals of algebraic concepts and skills through incremental development. Students learn to manipulate signed numbers and exponents, graph equations on the rectangular coordinate system, and factor quadratic equations that have real roots. In the fall semester, instruction covers algebraic properties, fractions, factoring, signed exponents, properties of equalities, solutions of single and multivariable equations, abstract fractions, and the slope-intercept formula. In the spring semester, students learn to factor quadratic equations, use the Pythagorean Theorem, derive an equation between two points, solve linear inequalities, factor binomials and trinomials, divide polynomials, simplify radical expressions, and manipulate scientific notation. Word problems include ratio/proportion, percentage, uniform motion, compound interest, and variation (indirect and indirect).

9th Grade

Algebra II

In this course, we will quickly review the topics of Algebra I. These concepts will be utilized as we weave in more advanced concepts. We will also practice the skills necessary to apply the concepts. Some of these skills include completing the square, deriving the quadratic formula, simplification of radicals, and complex numbers.

10th Grade


In this course, the student will develop reasoning and problem solving skills as they study areas such as congruent and similar, apply properties of lines, triangles, quadrilaterals, and circles. They will also develop problem solving skills using length, perimeter, area, circumference, surface area, and volume to solve real life problems.

This course also includes exercises involving algebra, data analysis and probability.

11th Grade


Topics from algebra, geometry, trigonometry, discrete mathematics, and mathematical analysis are interwoven to form a fully integrated course. Word problems are developed throughout the problem sets and become progressively more elaborate. With this practice, students will be able to solve challenging problems such as rate and work problems involving abstract quantities. The graphing calculator is used to graph functions and perform data analysis. Conceptually-oriented problems that prepare students for college entrance exams (such as the ACT and SAT) are included in the problem sets.

This course includes such topics as conic sections, permutations and combinations, trigonometric identities, inverse trigonometric functions, graphs of sinusoids, rectangular and polar representation of complex numbers, De Moivre's theorem, matrices and determinants, the binomial theorem, and the rational roots theorem.

12th Grade

Calculus, Probability, Statistics or Data Analysis

In the final year of study at CCA, the students have a choice to diversify their mathematical study. Choices include calculus, probability and statistics, or data analytics.